Online Nurse Practitioner Programs in Arkansas
Why Pursue an Online Nurse Practitioner Program in Arkansas?
Arkansas nurse practitioner (NP) programs prepare current nurses with licensure as a registered nurse (RN) for advanced positions in nursing, with opportunities to accept greater responsibilities and earn an improved salary. Online nurse practitioner programs provide the same employment, career advancement, and earnings as nurses that complete a traditional program on campus.
Nurse practitioners play a crucial role in healthcare delivery, coordination, and management. In addition to this, NPs are able to provide critical healthcare to areas in the state that may face physician shortages or are underserved/rural in nature. In fact, any residents see NPs for the majority of their primary care needs. Arkansas nurses that complete an online nurse practitioner program gain the necessary education and skills needed when choosing to work in a specific nursing specialty.
List of Online Nurse Practitioner Schools in Arkansas
There are several opportunities for RNs to pursue an online nurse practitioner program in the state of Arkansas. Online programs give current nurses the ability to continue working or taking care of family responsibilities. The program flexibility means that nurses are not confined to the classroom learning environment. Students can choose from several degree types, including a master’s degree, a post-graduate certificate (reserved for those who already hold an MSN), or even a doctoral degree pathway (DNP). Online NP programs usually consist of a variety of core nursing courses, specialty courses, and clinical experiences. While the majority of academic courses can be taken online, students typically complete their clinical coursework in a medical facility in their local area. With a variety of specialization areas available, Arkansas residents can find the right online NP program to meet their career goals.
Family Nurse Practitioner
A popular nurse practitioner specialty, the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) cares for patients of all ages, often acting in a primary care role. Prospective FNPs can enroll in any of the 6 online programs in Arkansas below:
MSN-FNP Programs
DNP-FNP Programs
Gerontology Nurse Practitioner
Nurses who wish to focus on the care of adult patients from the teen years through the geriatric years, whether in a primary or acute care setting, can opt for one of the 4 online programs in Arkansas below.
MSN-AGNP Programs
DNP-AGNP Programs
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs) are tasked with caring for patients with a range of mental health illnesses and disorders. As the demand for mental health practitioners continues to grow, prospective PMHNPs in Arkansas can earn their specialized degree by enrolling in one of the 2 online programs below.
MSN-PMHNP Programs
DNP-PMHNP Programs
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